Brief introductions to main aspects (lenses) in Peace and Nonviolence Education
'How violence works in culture - an introduction to Rene Girard' with Dr Carly Osborne from University of Divinity Australia(20 min interview)
Click here.
'The significance of the Jewish tradition and the role of Jesus in creating an alternative way of peace- with Dr Carly Osborne (20 min interview)
Click here.
In short article, biblical scholar, Walter Wink, outlines how the 'Myth of Redemptive Violence' dominates so much culture and hence what children (and adults) absorb.
There is a great deal of violence in the Bible. How do we make sense of this given Jesus' nonviolence? The way in which we read/interpret the Bible (hermeneutics) makes a difference to what Christians hear and hence shapes the way Christians live. Drawing on the work of Karl Barth, Professor Douglas Campbell, argues that our starting point needs to be Jesus. This conversation between Douglas Campbell and David Cornoski (Youtube -shortened to 30 min) gives an introduction to this approach and through which we establish a solid theological basis for nonviolence.
In this conversation (60 min) Michael Wood talks with Jason Porterfield about his book "Fight Like Jesus: How Jesus waged peace throughout holy week".
One of our theological underpinnings is that we encounter God through the non-verbal, non-cognitive domain of prayer.
Our experience has shown that the ancient practice of contemplative prayer (sometimes called Christian Meditation) is an important aspect of addressing one's own 'shadow' of violence and becoming an active shaper of cultures of peace. Part of the way this happens is learning to recognise our own inner drivers to be in control of others, to be right, to be impressive. These inner compulsions can lead us to perceive others as 'objects' through whom we get our ego needs met. Through the practice of prayer, we learn to relocate our ego's so that our ego is put at the service of divine love, and to perceive others as 'sacred others' (Martin Buber).
'A brief introduction to teaching Christian Meditation in schools' with Dr Sarah Bachelard (26 min interview). Click here.
Resources for teaching meditation in schools are available at the School of Meditation run by the World Community for Christian Meditation.
Another primary form of prayer for the Christian is the Eucharist (Mass; Holy Communion) through which we are reminded of, reconnected with, and constituted in a community being made in the image of the crucified (nonviolent) one.
In the Australian context, Aboriginal people teach us about the gift of 'Dadirri' - inner deep listening and quiet - still awareness', as an essential path to reconciliation. An interview with Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr.
The 'hands' domain is what we call 'practices of peace'. These are practical and teachable skills and processes which can be applied in everyday life in schools, families, churches and communities. Practices of peace include things we can do alone or in group settings. Some examples that we refer to in courses and in developing cultures of peace in schools include (click on links):
Courtesy of Catholic Education SA
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Tom Little - Emergence (Talking Circle)
Used with permission of artist