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Professional Development Workshops

Teaching (the Spirituality and Practice of) Peace and Nonviolence


The focus of this professional learning program is on preparation for teaching nonviolent peace-building at various levels. 

Participants are invited to engage in a collaborative learning process to explore the four foundational aspects upon which our peace education programs have been developed: SELF; CULTURE; SPIRITUALITY; SKILLS. 

During this interactive learning program, we learn about how these four aspects are embedded in the curriculum units while also experiencing a range of relevant activities with accompanying resources. Towards the end of the program, participants consider how to translate and transfer this learning into their own curriculum context. 


Content areas typically include: 


  • reflection on stories around significant people, places and events that shape our understandings of violence and nonviolence

  • reflecting on the dominant culture, the myth of redemptive violence & the scapegoating process


  • an introduction to the nonviolent teachings of Jesus based on stories from the Gospel


  • learning and practicing appropriate skills for personal, structural and cultural transformation


  • review of sample curricula and lesson outlines; familiarity with learning aims, activities, resources and teaching process; creating local, school-based curriculum outlines and developing plans for implementation.

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