Networks and Resources
The following web sites provide useful reflections, stories and resources for teaching peace and nonviolence:
Global Campaign for Peace Education contains a huge range of resources for Peace Education which is defined as "education about peace and for peace".
Through the provision of educational materials and community workshop facilitators, we provide a study and action program that explores nonviolence as a creative, powerful and effective process for addressing and resolving the conflicts in our lives and in the life of the world. Drawing on the vision of Jesus, Gandhi, Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King, Jr., Shelley Douglass, John Dear and many others, these programs offer your church, school, community, or group resources to deepen the journey from fear to freedom, from despair to hope, from violence to wholeness.
Pace e Bene's mission is to foster justice, peace and the wellbeing of all through education, resources, and action for nonviolent change.
Pax Christi International Nonviolence Initiative
The Catholic Nonviolence Initiative, a project of Pax Christi International, the Catholic peace movement, affirms that active nonviolence is at the heart of the vision and message of Jesus, the life of the Catholic Church, and the long-term vocation of healing and reconciling both people and the planet.
Australian Association for Restorative Justice is a Professional Association of individuals and organisations working with restorative justice and restorative practices.
Restorative Practices International (RPI) is a not-for-profit, independent, professional member association that supports the development of restorative practice in schools, prisons, workplaces, organisations, families and communities. This is a Facebook networking page.
Nonviolence International advocates for active nonviolence and supports creative constructive nonviolent campaigns worldwide. (Nonviolence here is framed not as a theological imperative but how nonviolent power can be (and has been) applied as an effective alternative to violent power.)
Crying Out: A Response to Exploring the Statement from the Heart and Care for the Environment by the South Australian Dialogue of the Roman Catholic and Uniting Churches.
Common Grace is an online Australian Christian movement for justice. We exist to inspire and organise Australian Christians to think, speak and act like Jesus for a more just world (the areas which Common Grace focusses on are potential specific areas to apply the principles and practices of nonviolent engagement)
Difference is a 5 session course that explores what it means to follow Jesus in the face of conflict and see transformation through everyday encounters. This comes from the Church of England and is a personal priority of Archbishop Justin Welby
Spirituality of Conflict is a website dedicated to reading the gospel texts through the lens of conflict and reading conflict through the lens of the gospel texts. We will publish reflections for the gospel reading for every Sunday of the three year lectionary cycle, and we will also publish reflections for occasions that warrant human attention throughout the year.
The World Community for Christian Meditation provides a range of resources for teaching meditation in schools.
Scripture Resources for Teachers assists you as a Religious Education teacher to engage personally with Sacred Scripture. It is a resource aimed at you as a teacher prior to deciding how to use a Scripture passage with students. It models a way of personal reflection and interpretation that raises questions for you personally and for your teaching. It equips you to proceed with planning learning and teaching relating to the Scripture. Here is an example of an analysis of a text which is useful for teaching about Jesus and nonviolence.
Are you one of the 87% of Americans from all walks of life who sees a world beyond “us vs. them?” Are you tired of polarizing politics and endless culture wars? The power to reclaim our culture Starts With Us.
The Forgiveness Project shares stories of forgiveness in order to build hope, empathy and understanding.
Teachers for Peace is a professional nonprofit group working to promote peace and disarmament.
The Culture of Peace News Network (CPNN) is a project of the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace, initiated by the United Nations, where readers exchange information about events, experiences, books, music, and web news that promote a culture of peace.

Albertine Neate, Yr 6 (2019) CGS, New Zealand